Over the past several months, it's discouraging to think how much money and time I (and my parents) have spent on supplements, creams, foods, and doctor bills to get my eczema and food allergies until control. I read in a New York Times article that the financial and emotional burdens inflicted upon a family with a child suffering from eczema are more severe than that of a child with type 2 diabetes. I don't know much about the burden of diabetes, but I wouldn't argue that my health situation has been an overwhelming struggle.
Depressing situation aside, I have discovered some products and foods that are really helpful or enjoyable.
Foodwise, it's been a tough search for baked goods I'm allowed to have. Mara refers to my allergies as a "trifecta of cooking staples" (wheat, dairy, and egg). However, I have discovered two options that cheer me immensely! Brownie mix by Cherrybrook Kitchen tastes amazing, bakes moist, and is wheat, dairy, and egg-free! I shared them with my lactose-intolerant friend Bethelle and she was delighted by them. I also recommend products by Enjoy Life. Their foods taste so good it's hard to belive they are prepared without gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree-nuts, soy, egg, and casein! I especially enjoy the snickerdoodle cookies and sunbutter crunch bars.
We've also spent a discouraging amount on various creams, medicines, and supplements. Various lotions from the drug store seemed to help for awhile, and then I would flare up again. As per instruction from my doctor-nutritionist, I take a steady dose of vitamin supplements, oils, and homeopathic sulfur, all of which have showed a slow but steady improvement in my topical syptoms. I've also in the past few months been on a couple rounds of steroids and antibiotics, which got me through the most severe outbreaks. Something I've tried recently and seen improvement in a matter of days is Herbal Ed's Salve by Herb Pharm. It's a very effective natural anti-fungal. A couple months back I discovered a line of teas called Yogi, and really like the taste and results of their Skin DeTox tea. And finally, I think I'm really seeing results with a product line called Quick Relief. My mom found it, and has generously been buying their pills and spray for me. I know a lot of people would look at their website with a raised eyebrow. I was skeptical too. But the spray provides a lot of relief for itching and pain, and I've noticed a clarity to my skin since taking the twice a day dosage of pills. The cost is kind of discouraging to me, and I can't help but question why the little bottles of spray cost so much. But it is helping, and I'm grateful. As far as moisturizers go, I recommend oatmeal lotions, aloe vera, and Aquaphor (all depending on the stage of the symptoms).
Keep in mind that while exploration is valuable, having a physician to aid in your search of a cure is key. I learned this the hard way. Also, something as common as eczema can have many causes. A treatment that works for one person may not work for another, because the root cause could be different. Writing this post was just a way for me to share discoveries and keep up the mental therapy I've found through public disclosure of my struggle.
I hope and pray you get through with this and you have relief from these symptoms
You've been such an encouragement to me during this time. <3 thank you for your prayers!
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