May 10, 2010

Lists [Make Everything Better]

Finals are next week!  Between today and next Friday I need to complete:
  • A paper for health summarizing everything we studied this semester and how it impacted me
  • An extra credit paper for health about the Maryland Department of Health (I missed a lot of classes in that course and want to save my grade) [done]
  • A take-home final for biology [done]
  • 25 homework questions for biology [done]
  • A book report for acting on "Building A Character" by Stanislavki (this was due weeks ago and Carl graciously gave me an extension) [gave up :-p]
  • A historical monologue project which includes a report on a person of our choosing and an original monologue in character as that person (I think I'll be presenting as Audrey Hepburn :-)
  • Perform "Cain't Say No" at the student recital [done]
  • Memorize and perform "Simple Joys of Maidenhood" for my voice final
  • aaaaand I feel like I'm missing something! :-\
At times like this there is no logical reason for time spent on blogging, except that it's my favourite de-stressing (and stalling) activity.


Frannie said...

First of all sorry about all the work

Second hahaha, its funny because that was me 2 weeks ago. I was stalling by blogging and had a monologue, a song to learn for my voice final and a couple of papers due too.
Do you have any exams to study for or design and production stuff to do?

Debbie said...

Yep, exams in health and biology (it drives this theatre major crazy to have to take science courses!). Theatre-wise, all my finals are performance based. Next year I'll probably be taking some of my production requirements.

Yelena said...

finals week is for me this week!
no need to add anything else! :) lol

The Style Mansion said...

Audrey Hepburn - wow!