April 11, 2010

Where Business Met Pleasure (Buried Child Post #5)

On Saturday afternoon I spent a few hours painting the set and watching Nathan unclog (and then break) a sink.  We discovered that the utility sink in the Barn Theatre was clogged with muck that is quite possibly from last year's show and the pipe under it had rotted.  Now we're waiting on a campus engineer to come fix the leaking pipe. :-\  So I carefully washed brushes and rollers in a tiny kitchen sink next to the costume rack.  I've gradually been realizing how in actuality the Barn is completely equipped to be a very decent theatre and venue, but has been allowed to fall into disrepair.  Things are constantly lost, broken, or dirty in the Barn, yet it's the hub of many Student Life activities.  It makes me sad, and want to bring love and repair back to a building full of so much character. (I'll post some pictures of the Barn here later to give you guys a better appreciation of what I'm talking about).

After set work and business with a plunger, I headed to dinner with a fellow cast member.  (That dinner will be the inspiration for a separate post concerning my recent diet change.)  After that, we were meeting more cast members at a bookstore and cafe for an evening of studying lines.  We worked on the same act for about 2 hours, at the end of which time we were totally fried, silly with script-based bantering, riding a caffeine high, and purusing the book shelves according to our individual tastes.  It mellowed into a nice time of getting to know each other better and just enjoying the company!  I hope we get more evenings like that, and take away good friendships that continue after the show.


Never Too Busy said...

So why do you have to advertise all over the internet that I broke a sink? >_> :-P

The Style Mansion said...

The Barn sounds so whimisical and charming. I hope it does get restored.