April 16, 2010

One Week (Buried Child Post #6)

As of today (Thursday) it's one week till opening curtain for Buried Child

We're not quite ready, and it scares me.  But we have a long and thorough tech/dress rehearsal week ahead of us to work out the kinks.  I've seen the pressure and the magic of opening night pull a show together, and I believe that will happen for this show.

The shoes that as of Monday I still detested are now broken in, and I don't hate them so much.  I've run the show in full costume and make-up, and it feels good.  I know all my lines....I just don't quite know where they all go.  :-(  For the past two rehearsals I have been scared and angry at myself that I don't know my lines and cues in my sleep.  My acting teacher says you should practice not until you have something right, but until you can't get it wrong.  None of the cast is in that place.

But I know my characterization is in place.  Every rehearsal, I've become Shelly.  I'm so, SO excited to be under stage lights, in front of an audience, and tell a story! 

Between time spent rehearsing and still not feeling well physically, my studies have suffered.  I have to make up some work this weekend (in the throes of our final rehearsals).  I love working on shows, but I will be glad when this one is over.


The Style Mansion said...

Oh my! I am sitting here in London, Englan full of tension about your opening show. I just know it's going to well though. You have worked so hard and put so much into it. Go and do your thing Shelly!

Frannie said...

Good Luck!! Are you an acting major?

Love your blog by the way :)