February 10, 2010

Round Two [of the winter dump]

It's snowing. Again. (To be more precise, it is currently sleeting, however we are getting another snow storm tonight.)

:-) :-( :- :-\

I'm half-tired of being in the house, and the other half glad to have no school or social obligations. It's been me, my computer, candles, movies, books, and a chance to catch up on random tasks for five solid days. Today my big accomplishments were sorting through some things I want to donate to Salvation Army, throwing out and organizing old papers, and watching all of the newest "Emma" on

It's ridiculous to me that so much across Maryland is shut down. What about people in New England, or Montana, or anywhere in the US that has respectable winters? They go to school/work/parties when there is more than a foot of snow on the ground; do they not? Otherwise life as they know it would stop for a good six months of the year. Get it together Maryland, and learn to deal with weather of the less desirable variety!

I'm having an awesome hair day and have no where to go to show it off. I went outside on Monday and lost my house keys on a snow bank. I searched for them on Tuesday and accepted the fact I won't be finding them until the melting of this epic winter event.

So yeah..anytime Mother Nature would like to change her mood would be fine with me and with the rest of inadquately prepared Maryland. I'll be cozy in my room waiting for the thaw!

My street on Monday:

The afore-mentioned hair; long enough to be girly and short enough to be bouncy! :-) After really embracing the short hair look for about a year, I've decided to let it grow for awhile:


Never Too Busy said...

Nice post, and I'm loving the hair :-) and hating the snow :-(

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Wow! The snow looks so pretty...and COLD! We've been getting crazy rain in Southern California. We cannot complain compared to the wild snowstorms you've been getting.

The Style Mansion said...

My cousin Michael called me from Maryland on Tuesday. He has expressed near enough the same feelings about the snow as yourself. He is a psychologist out there. What suprised me is that his patients are still able to make it to their appointments!(one of his offices is near his home)
Your hair is bouncy and lovely!

FALSE said...

I think you were getting slight cabin fever Debbie! :)
Glad to say it is currently snowing! :0

Just remember that more nothern states are used to this type of snow were MD is lucky to get 10" a year. Let the world stop turning for a minute, sit back and enjoy it!
(Personally! I'm ready for Spring)