February 5, 2010

Happy Snow Day, Maryland!

Better pictures of the blizzard coming soon, hopefully! Word is we're going to be snowed in this weekend. I'm looking forward to rewatching Glee, making yummy food, keeping up on homework, and learning a monologue. What are your plans, snow or not? Check out Michelle's suggestions over at Oh, Mishka-they would make for a wonderful winter weekend!


Yelena said...

ugh. snow.
we have gotten so much, it's getting old by now! im craving sunshine and spring! :) lol. :)
have a fabulous weekend dear! drive safe if you're going to be out this weekend.
oh and glee..i've considered buying the first season on DVD, but i don't know.. i have doubts that it's too much like high school musical and childish..what's your opinion?? :)

The Style Mansion said...

Snow is forecast next week here. It takes up so much energy to manage the snow. How cute are you in that picture?! I am just watching movies and eating a muffin as big as my head right now.