February 17, 2010

For This I Was Born

I am more digusted and frustrated with myself than I have been in a long time (if ever).

I'm taking steps to correct the things I know need correcting because too much damage has already been done for me to ignore it.

I need wisdom. I need prayer. I need forgiveness. I probably need things I can't even name right now.

I need to journal. I need to talk. There are so many things I want to say that wouldn't really be appropriate here. If I don't post for awhile just know I'm busy working things out in my life (and that I'm still reading y'all's lovely posts :).

"I feel like I was born
for devastation and reform
Destroying everything I loved
And the worst part is
I pull my heart out, reconstruct
And in the end it's nothing but
The shell of what I had when I first started

Thank you God
For giving me the insight
So I might make
These wrongs right
If and when
There ever is a next time
Cuz failure is a blessing in disguise"
-Devastation and Reform by Relient K


Never Too Busy said...

I'm sorry that you're going through this, but know that you're not alone, and that if you ever need to talk, we're here for you.

P.S. You said "y'all's", that made me laugh :-)

The Style Mansion said...

Whatever it is...it is well with your soul. There have been many mornings during my prayer time, that the Lord has whispered your name. I pray for this girl named Debbie, a girl who has a blog, who lives across the Atlantic ocean. Someone, I have never met and may never meet. However, she is important enough, loved enough, significant enough to God, for Him to whisper her name to a virtual stranger to pray. You hurt more because you have a heart which understands what is right and what is wrong. That means you have a heart after God's own. Psalm 34 says He will not despise a contrite heart. This too shall pass. Everything will be ok. Whatever it is...it is well with your soul.
Bless you

FALSE said...

Praying for you Debbie! These days are tough and struggle is sadly a daily routine I'd say.

Love you! You'll get through it!

Michelle Schraudner said...

Hope things work out soon! I'll keep you in my prayers!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I hope everything work out. We are often far more critical on ourselves than we need to be, hopefully this is the case with how you are feeling =)