January 21, 2010

100 With Sugar On Top!

How perfect is it to mark my 100th blog post with my first blog award, and furthermore to celebrate by passing it on to other bloggin' friends?! :-)

Lisa, my friend from across the pond and the mistress of The Syle Mansion, gave me "Happy 101". Thank you!

The rules of this award are to list ten blogs and ten things that make you happy. I'm bending the rules a bit because the list I follow is small and I want to show off my absolute favourites :-)

I award:
Oh, Mishka for inspiring me every Monday.

Nifer Musings for having an interesting and eclectic blog.

Why Men Can't Cry for being thought-provoking and insightful.

My (Stylish) Pursuit of Happiness for being one of the sweetest gals on my blog list.

The Style Mansion for praying for me and following my blog so devotedly.

And now for ten things that make me happy:

~Talks with my gorgeous and patient best friend.
~Snuggling with my extremely cute and wonderful boyfriend.
~Walks on sunny days.
~The knowledge that nothing I can ever do or say can separate me from God's love and provision.
~Getting comments on a well-written blog post.
~Taking a picture that makes me feel warm inside every time I look at it.
~Soups and sandwiches from Panera Bread.
~The discounted Coach sneakers Mom bought me yesterday (pics later!).
~The satisfaction of a completed project.
~A soft bed to sleep in.

There it is; sweet and simple, my 100th blog post! Thanks Lisa for the inspiration. :-) I have lots of other news to share with you all, so more posts are coming soon.


The Style Mansion said...

Hi Debbie,
Congratulations on your 100th post. Every single one has been of top quality. Thanks for your kind words. You are very sweet. I love your blog more and more.
I am anxious to see the Coach sneakers. Your list is perfect - soft beds and sunday walks. Dreamy.
Looking forward to more.

Michelle Schraudner said...

You're so sweet! Thank you!!!

Congrats on the 100th post, that's awesome!

BPremo said...

Happy 100th post! And congrats on your award. I love your happy list!

Yelena said...

happy 100th post and on the award! you totally deserve it!! :) thanks for tagging me! but, :( i already got the awards.. if i get some time this week though i may participate again , it's good to think about happy things, especially if you're me and have been feeling down lately...your happy list made me smile! :)

Never Too Busy said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I look forward to the next hundred :-)Thanks so much for not only following my blog, but also giving it an award!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Congrats on the accomplishment! And I agree with you, comments on a well written blog are always great! As is Panera ;)

Jen said...

Congratulations!!! And thanks for passing along the award! Hehe... interesting and eclectic! I dig it!