November 26, 2009

Happiness, Defined By Debbie

The other day someone special asked me what makes me happy. Without thinking too hard, I shared the list of following things that came to mind:
  • Kisses
  • Children
  • Sunny days
  • Accomplishment
  • The ocean
  • Sacrifice
  • Grace
  • Shoes

Each of these things lightens my heart and brightens my day. Do you have a list of favourite things? Try to imagine what it would be like to feel all of your favourite things at once, and you'll have an idea of how I've been feeling lately.

I have someone in my life who makes me feel like all of my favourite things jumbled up into one. I haven't stopped smiling for days, and I'm excited for every morning that I wake up and talk to him. My day is instantly comfortable and complete when we occupy the same space.

A part of me is always scared to take risk, let people in, or invest in something new. I'm scared of getting hurt, or hurting someone else. But a voice of peace has persisted through every part of getting to know him, and I'm so ready and excited to see where life takes us.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! <3


Never Too Busy said...

I'm really happy for you. He sounds like an awesome guy!

Debbie said...

Thanks, I appreciate it. lol. ;-p *kiss*

Yelena said...

this post made me happy! lol. :)
he sounds like an amazing guy. who makes you incredibly happy obviously! :)