March 22, 2009

retro musings.

I was with a friend wandering around a Toys 'R Us today, and decided to find out what Barbie dolls look like nowadays. I have a couple Barbies from the 60's which belonged to my mom, and then one or two of my own from the late 90's. I waited a long time to own Barbies; I think a good friend gave me one for the 11th birthday, and shortly after that my grandmother gave me my mom's old ones. I still own them all 'cause I can't let them go. After seeing today what Barbie looks like, I will certainly be holding onto mine. She's so ugly!! Her body is tinier, and her head is bigger. The material of her head looks incredibly cheap and squishy- like if dropped once on the pavement or stepped on by a little shoe she'd be toast. She's wearing more eye make-up and her lips are bigger. Barbie looks like a Bratz doll's big sister, basically. It was disheartening! :-p I mean, she's always been an unrealistic model of beauty...but I think Barbie has crossed into from beauty to bizzare if you ask me.

Ok, today I tackled toys. I have commentaries involving music in mind for my next post... g'night. <3

1 comment:

FALSE said...

She looks good for 50 though don't you think... Lol