I had such a great day! :) Church was good this morning; throughout the group discussion in Sunday School, singing, communion, the sermon, and even a little time in the nursery I just felt really refreshed. Josh W. was visiting again, and he encouraged me concerning some family issues I've been dealing with. I had a helpful talk with Michele too, about having friends who share different worldviews and how to handle that.
Ryan and I spent the afternoon at my house, and he helped me finish my chore list! I feel incredibly lucky to have a b/f who will help me clean my room, do my laundry, cook, and make it all fun in the process! So now I can go back to school with my check list crossed off (for the most part ;).
This evening Pastor Alan and Esther hosted the Super Bowl party and that was a lot of fun. Ry and I came early to help them set up, and about 25 people from church came to cheer on the Cardinals...except for one lady who is a Steelers fan, and her husband who had lost a bet to her and had to cheer for the Steelers! It was hilarious to watch. :) Everyone had a great time of laughing, screaming, eating and taking pictures (where Stephanie is, pictures are bound to happen!) That game was amazing! But the way the game ended made me feel bad for the Cardinals quarterback.
So the day left me feeling happy and refreshed, ready to take on my first week of crazyness known as Spring Semester! I'll still be blogging...I'm going to have down time in between my classes, and plan to take a little of it to go off by myself to read, write, w/e, just to have some chill time to keep my focus right.
I was routing for the Cardinals too, amazing game to watch.
Glad to hear you had a good day, see you on the 9th! Alyssa is so excited that it's now only a week away!
Your next blog should be called "Stupendous Saturday" because you get to spend tomorrow with me!!! :) xoxo Love you!
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