I have about two weeks left of winter break (everyone is astonished when I tell them I have been out of school since the 11th of December!). I haven't gotten as far on my "To Do" list for this month as I should have. Most of it involved a lot of cleaning in my room (which my mom finally stopped bugging me to do) and going through my books and clothes. I don't enjoy getting rid of books. Not only is it time consuming, it's just hard for me to be decisive. "Well, I haven't read it years, but I may want too one day..." Hehe. Speaking of books, I have been reading during my break, which was one of my goals. I'm currently reading a couple books about theatre and play production, and also a book I found last year called "The Great Philosophers, The Lives and Ideas of History's Greatest Thinkers." It devotes a couple pages each to different philosophers from ancient times to now, and summarizes their bios and most famous ideas.
I also have time for journaling and daily quiet time again, which is definitely nice and something I badly need in order to keep a healthy perspective on life. I've given up journaling about daily events; instead I write down major thoughts, emotions, and events that come up. I've been studying the Gospel of John (Ryan is reading it also, and we exchange thoughts on it). I'm trying to read through it slowly and truly ponder what Jesus said about Himself and man.
Sometimes I like to order clothes from Alloy. Their spring catalog came a few days ago, and I'm thinking about getting this top. I also found a great shirt at American Eagle last week- a nice white button down that fits perfectly! :) I got it for $20 when it was supposed to be $40!
Had a check-up at the doctor's yesterday, and that went pretty well. I've lost a couple pounds, and that I think might be due to the stress of last month. But everything else tested well and the worst that happened was I needed to have my neck adjusted- ouch! (My doctor is a kinesiolist/chiropractor.)
Enjoy your weekend! I will, 'cause I'll be with my favorite girl on Saturday and Sunday nights (we're house sitting :).
Ha ha! You seem like so much fun Debbie! I really like your blog too :>.
Clayrn Darrow
I like shopping. Online is ok, catalogs are alright, but going into a store is so much fun for me! Even if I don't buy anything, I love going into a store & trying on clothes. If I had the time & money, I would go shopping every day.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your break!
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