August 26, 2012

Current Course

Last week we had a rehearsal for the guys playing the officers and crew of our "Titanic". The director combed the script with them, working on dialects, character development, and general backstory of the ship and tragedy as it relates to their particular roles.

I was very content to sit alongside, jotting notes for the rehearsal report and occasionally contributing a comment or question. It was the first rehearsal for this show at which I've felt truly comfortable with myself and the surroundings of my new project. As with most other things in my life, I've felt enormously shy and anxious at our auditions and rehearsals. But also as usual, I remind myself to plow forward as confidently as possible (and seek a little encouragement from my mentors).

This particular rehearsal reminded me why I fell in love with stage managing. I still miss acting, but there is really no other position on a production that gets to see all sides of the journey from beginning to end like the SM does. Since ALL things theatre fascinate me, I think SMing is really the best task to continue honing my skills on. Being fascinated by the "big picture" of theatre is also probably why I'm having so much trouble finding career direction right now.

August 24, 2012

Summer Pictures: Final Round

A random assortment to round out my pictorial recount of the summer:

This is NOT my wedding dress (I did briefly consider it however).  Just giving you a taste of what I look like in one. ;-)  I found my dream dress last month.  It's been ordered, and I am so excited to wear it!!

August 21, 2012

Summer Pictures: Round Three

Baltimore City edition!  This summer has found me exploring a little more of what my native city has to offer, both for work and play.
Part of my commute as I walked from the train station to Everyman Theatre (on Charles St., looking toward the Station North district)

August 17, 2012

Summer Pictures: Round Two

A props and theatre edition of the round-up!  These pictures were taken during work for my summer position as Properties Manager at Cockpit in Court Summer Theatre.  (I just realized that I managed to capture at least one picture to represent each of the five shows that were staged over the two months.)

"Eliza"'s doll from the ballet sequence in The King and I.  Isn't it beautiful?  Rented from A.T. Jones of Baltimore.

August 16, 2012

Summer Pictures: Round One

The kick-off of the pictures, which I am dividing into themes (sort of).  These are from early in the summer.  (Click "Read More" for the rest.)

August 15, 2012

Announcements Lacking Any Epic Importance

I was thinking that my summer has felt like any other time of the year, just without classes. But to prove to myself that this summer has had its own very pleasant days, I got around to uploading and looking at ALL the pictures I've captured since June on my phone and iPod.  To make up for my sparse blogging in recent months, I plan to take you all on a little journey through a summer picture round-up (just the highlights)!  Stay tuned.

The Current Events page on my blog has been updated! (Didyaknow even know I have one? :-p)  So, please go check out the debut announcement of my current theatrical project. :-)

August 7, 2012

Job Anniversary

A year ago I was nervously becoming oriented to my new job and learning to navigate a work relationship with (then) Boyfriend. This week the boss is away on his charity ride (check out, HTB no longer works days at the same job as me, and I'm in charge. The event is a kid's camp rehearsing and performing their end of season play. I have to unlock and occupy the theatre while they rehearse, and oversee lights and sound in the culminating show.

On Monday morning the fire alarm went off for the entire building and a water main broke. Thankfully I didn't have to be directly involved in those situations, other than by evacuating, and the theatre and all concerned were safe. It was still a bit nerve-wracking though! A little later in the day I had to get stern as I found two of the younger camp counselors trespassing in an off-limits (and dangerous) area of backstage. Quieter moments have included tinkering with a co-worker on our new ghost light (I'm so excited to have one!), cleaning in the scene shop, and reading.

So far, a satisfying time of responsibility that I hope continues!

An Irresistible Law

After a long period of intention to do so, I've been reading "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy. In this passage he describes the title heroine and her suitor-to-be, Angel Clare:

"Tess and Clare unconsciously studied each other, ever balanced on the edge of a passion, yet apparently keeping out of it. All the while they were converging, under an irresistible law, as surely as two streams in one vale."

Those words took me back to some very fond memories. My most unlikely friendship has turned into the most important and wonderful partnership of my life. :-)