October 26, 2011


I know my last post was an invitation to a show, but the reason I haven't posted anything since then is because I've been so busy with shows.  So here's show #2!

This coming Friday though Tuesday I am running the light board for "H.U.M.: An Original Play".  I also helped construct the set/do various backstage tasks, and help keep the technical director sane.

Per tech week custom, my homework is sorely neglected, so I'm off to do that and I'll hopefully be back next week! :-)

October 14, 2011

Celebrate Christmas With Me!

I got the part!   I'll be playing "Ginger", for whom at my audition I was told to channel Snookie and Fran Drescher...haha!  I'm very happy and excited. :-)  It's been a looong time since I was in a Christmas show.

Exponential Belief

This post is for teachers (and their students) who change lives.

October 10, 2011

Cross-Cultural Studies

For my speech class this week I have to give a demonstration speech on an object or action of my choice.  Having decided to deviate away from my default list of theatrical topics, I asked Boyfriend to teach me about hand planes.  The plane pictured belongs to him and is 110-years-old.  He also let me ruin a pretty nice piece of mahogany for my research. Thanks, Hun. :-)  Hope I do him proud. :-p

Photo cred M. Jennys

P.S. For Jade's benefit, please note the appearance of his socks in the background.  

October 4, 2011

Lit By Surprise Pink

Guys.  [and Gals.]  So much theatre, so little blogging. :-( :-p

I didn't recap "@The_Moment" for you...but I will.  Pictures coming for that one.

Right after "Moment", I auditioned for my school's fall show, and didn't get in.  It hurt, but then I found purpose in it; a lot more than I could have bargained for, actually. Maybe I'll talk about that later, too.

Then, I participated in a very unconventional theatrical event called "Eurasia Experience".  It was the simplest and yet most challenging acting job I've had to date.

Tonight, I'm auditioning for "The Splendor of Christmas", the yearly production put on by a local church (my church, actually).  This place packs shows with audiences bigger than my school's theatre, so I'm pretty excited!

Auditioning for the Christmas show is about more than acting opportunities, though.  It's about combining the love of many things.  The "purpose" I referred to above?  I've been disconnected from a stable spiritual community for awhile now, and I realized that it's time to take active steps to being in and contributing to one.

I found this picture and made it my desktop.  I need to remember that I've never been afraid to walk down new paths.

cred: N.B., Gettysburg trip