February 28, 2010

"Getting To Know You"

This is a fun little game I found out about through Simplicity In Baltimore, and it originated from Mann Lann 5. Check out their blogs and link back if you want to play along!

On to the random Debbie factoids!

1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
Oh lord- I'd be terrified to do either! But if I had to pick, sky dive.

2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?
I sit on layers of seat covers or toilet paper.

3. Favorite flower?
Roses, followed closely by hibisucs.

4. Pedicure or manicure?
I've never had a professional pedicure, and I enjoy getting manicures.

5. How many siblings do you have?
One blood-related sibling, my bother, and one BFF that I consider as my sister.

6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)
lol, a long time ago, yes. But never now, ew!

7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?
I own a few bikinis and wear them proudly, despite my complexion being pale enough to blind fellow beach-goers. :-p I want to enjoy my good figure while I can!

8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?
I don't think I hate to shop anywhere. I'm fairly tolerant of crowds, and usually find some useful or interesting product where ever I go.

February 27, 2010

Love Is Like Home

This is one of my all-time favourite movie quotes about love. Sleepless in Seattle is such a good movie. :-)

Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: "Tell me what was so special about your wife?"

Sam Baldwin: "Well, how long is your program? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were suppose to be together... and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home... only to no home I'd ever known... I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like... magic."

Another Wedding!

My dear friend Emily got married today! We went to the same church when we were young, attended prom together, and for a few years followed local bands around Maryland and had many adventures. :-p I wish blessings and fun times for her and her love throughout their journey. :-)

Annnnd here is what I wore (pardon the background; it definitely doesnt lend to fashion critiquing :-p)

Teal sundress, JC Penny's (?)
Gray wrap, TJ Maxx
Black tights, Target
Chinese Laundry black flats, TJ Maxx
Diamonique circle pendant, a gift from Shannon :-)

February 26, 2010

If I Was A Movie

I found this on Facebook. Here is my "Life Soundtrack" courtesy of my iTunes library and presented to Blogspot. ;-)


Opening Credits:
Dancing Through Life- Wicked Soundtrack

Waking Up:
Harder To Breathe-Maroon 5

First Day at School:
Reason To Believe-Dashboard Confessional

Falling in Love:
Cold As You - Taylor Swift (wow, that’s hopeful :-p)

Losing Virginity:
Defying Gravity-Glee Soundtrack (Whaaa.. :-p)

Fight Song:
The Middle- Jimmy Eat World

Break Up:
Everlong- Foo Fighters

Ur So Gay- Katy Perry (hehehe)

Devastation and Reform-Relient K (yep)

Mental Breakdown:
Spring by Thomas Newman

Jenny Was A Friend of Mine-The Killers

The (After) Life of The Party –Fall Out Boy

Getting Back Together:
Before and After- Jimmy Needham

Prologue- West Side Story

Birth of Child:
My Love- Justin Timberlake

Final Battle:
No More Chains- Nicole Nordeman

Death Scene:
Andy You’re A Star- The Killers

Funeral Song:
See I’m Smiling- The Last Five Years soundtrack

End Credits:
Stationary Stationery- Anberlin (yesssss)

(If you'd like to play along the rules are as follows:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For the first question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the "next" button TWICE
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.
7. Tag 10 people, and they have to do it too :)
8. Seriously. Don't cheat!)

Song of the Evening

This song made its way into my evening and has weighed on my mind. At first listen every line reminded me of my recent love life. However, a wise friend I shared it with pointed out that this is a song I should be singing to God in my current circumtances. I think she's right. :-)

"I'm better near to you..."

February 24, 2010

Sick of being Adelaide

Thank you for the prayers, advice, and sweet words on my last post. I'm still in a very rough place right now and not in a position to say much about it.

I'm single again. I'm sad. I'm angry. I'm sorry. I'm scared. I'm brave. I'm honest. I'm stubborn. I'm ready for anything and sick of everything. The only thing getting me through is the belief that something important is around the corner; something I've been running from and should have embraced long ago.

I'm pretty sure that something is myself.

"You keep giving me signs that you think I wanna see
But you're nothing like you seem
Hide behind your half smile
But the truth is so undeniable
Sh sh shouldn't need anyone
Shouldn't need anyone
Just scared of being alone
But by the time you figure this out
And I'm already gone"

-Adelaide by Anberlin

February 17, 2010

For This I Was Born

I am more digusted and frustrated with myself than I have been in a long time (if ever).

I'm taking steps to correct the things I know need correcting because too much damage has already been done for me to ignore it.

I need wisdom. I need prayer. I need forgiveness. I probably need things I can't even name right now.

I need to journal. I need to talk. There are so many things I want to say that wouldn't really be appropriate here. If I don't post for awhile just know I'm busy working things out in my life (and that I'm still reading y'all's lovely posts :).

"I feel like I was born
for devastation and reform
Destroying everything I loved
And the worst part is
I pull my heart out, reconstruct
And in the end it's nothing but
The shell of what I had when I first started

Thank you God
For giving me the insight
So I might make
These wrongs right
If and when
There ever is a next time
Cuz failure is a blessing in disguise"
-Devastation and Reform by Relient K

February 11, 2010

Remembering Everything About My World And When You Came

This evening I opened a medium-sized box (an Avon shipping box, to be precise) that I keep in a corner of my room. It's nestled next to my bookcase and under a basket that holds my shoes (one of the few out-of-the-way spots in a tiny bedroom).

The contents of this box represent four years of my life. All the contents are attached to a particular individual. Almost exactly a year ago I collected various items littered around my room, filled the box, placed the lid on top, shed a few tears on my best friend's shoulder, and then moved on with my life.

Well, at the time I told myself I moved on. I think I've opened that box once since I filled it, and I remember having many regrets the last time I looked at the contents and all they represented. For an unknown reason tonight I opened the box and took out every last item inside. I read every letter, looked at every picture, held every stuffed animal, and smelled every t-shirt (they only smelled like cardboard box, for the record. :-p).

Yes, I have moved on. But it took me a year to do so. I'm not pining, and I no longer regret. I truly and completely treasure that time in my life. I was surprised at some of the written words I found to warm my heart and snapshots that made me smile. I was grateful for all that was learned and shared during those four years. When I was done, I carefully packed the box again and placed the lid on top.

How does one move one? I pondered this as I sat next to the closed box; wanting to truly grasp what I had found and felt.
Accept. Cry. Talk. Pray. Laugh. Dance. Listen. Sleep. Think. Write. In some manner and for whatever length of time you need, engage in all those things. And one day, you will find they no longer have a hold on you and you no longer want to hold onto them. You will simply find meaning in what is past and will keep living.

I'm not very wise in love or life. But in this instance, I know I have something worth remembering and sharing.

February 10, 2010

Round Two [of the winter dump]

It's snowing. Again. (To be more precise, it is currently sleeting, however we are getting another snow storm tonight.)

:-) :-( :- :-\

I'm half-tired of being in the house, and the other half glad to have no school or social obligations. It's been me, my computer, candles, movies, books, and a chance to catch up on random tasks for five solid days. Today my big accomplishments were sorting through some things I want to donate to Salvation Army, throwing out and organizing old papers, and watching all of the newest "Emma" on

It's ridiculous to me that so much across Maryland is shut down. What about people in New England, or Montana, or anywhere in the US that has respectable winters? They go to school/work/parties when there is more than a foot of snow on the ground; do they not? Otherwise life as they know it would stop for a good six months of the year. Get it together Maryland, and learn to deal with weather of the less desirable variety!

I'm having an awesome hair day and have no where to go to show it off. I went outside on Monday and lost my house keys on a snow bank. I searched for them on Tuesday and accepted the fact I won't be finding them until the melting of this epic winter event.

So yeah..anytime Mother Nature would like to change her mood would be fine with me and with the rest of inadquately prepared Maryland. I'll be cozy in my room waiting for the thaw!

My street on Monday:

The afore-mentioned hair; long enough to be girly and short enough to be bouncy! :-) After really embracing the short hair look for about a year, I've decided to let it grow for awhile:

February 8, 2010

Happy Monday!

This is such a good Monday! The college is closed, and today will be my day to catch up on the homework I've been avoiding all weekend. :-x But before I get started on that, I wanted to write about what I enjoyed on this Monday morning!

Several of my favourite blogs were updated and I'm caught up on all sorts of goodness. Last night I made a playlist of my favourite upbeat and happy songs in iTunes, so I was able to listen to that while I read. My dad finally found the picture of my brother and I that he took on my last birthday and it was in my email. Most importantly, I read a really good devotional this morning. Here's an excerpt from "Babes With A Beatitude":

"When John saw Jesus, he fell at his feet as if he were dead. He did not talk or look up or ask questions or make any declarations. He was so in awe of being in the presence of the Lord that he lay before Him in silence. Surely he had many questions, but this was not the time for them.

Too many times we find ourselves questioning God or giving Him our answeres when we should be lying still and praising His name. When we are in a humble position like John was in, we are able to give God the glory He deserves.

John was on an island when he experienced this. You may be on an island of despair or hurt. It's time to bow before God and know that He is the One who can lift you up."

It captures perfectly the attitude of worship and patience I've been striving to have lately.

And I leave you with an adorable picture of my "little" brother and I on my last birthday (poor kid had a cold that day, hence the slight look of squintyness; great pic nonetheless <3

February 6, 2010

February Postings

Welcome to my bulletin board:

1) Thomas Kinkade calendar. This month's painting is "Evening On The Avenue"

2) Torn out pages from the Dramatist Play Service catalog. I want to order a play for myself and some monologue books for Barnstormers

3) A page from a fashion shoot in Glamour magazine

4) An invitation to a friend's wedding later this month

5) Shannon and I

6) My life motto card :-)

7) My badge from Region II KCACTF

They Weren't Kidding!

(My dad and brother kneeling in the snow trench)

(Yesterday, the cherry tree in my front yard)
There was an honest-to-goodness blizzard plus thunderstorm last night! And Maryland is setting new all-time snowfall records. Looks as if my epic memories of The Snow of 1996 are about to be trumped!

February 5, 2010

Happy Snow Day, Maryland!

Better pictures of the blizzard coming soon, hopefully! Word is we're going to be snowed in this weekend. I'm looking forward to rewatching Glee, making yummy food, keeping up on homework, and learning a monologue. What are your plans, snow or not? Check out Michelle's suggestions over at Oh, Mishka-they would make for a wonderful winter weekend!

February 4, 2010

One Word!

Rachel at Memories of Mine To Thine posted this, and I decided I'd like to play, too!

Your Cell Phone? Limb
Your Hair? Full
Your Mother? Complicated
Your Father? Work
Your Favorite Food? Cheese
Your Dream Last Night? Margarita
Your Favorite Drink? Water
Your Dream/Goal? Honesty
What Room Are You In? Bedroom
Your Hobby? Acting
Your Fear? Communication
Where Do You See Yourself In 6 Years? Found
Where Were You Last Night? Home
Something That You Aren't? Fearless
Muffins? Blueberry
Wish List Item? Coach
Where Did You Grow Up? Lansdowne
Last Thing You Did? Text
What Are You Wearing? Cotton
Your TV? Infrequent
Your Pets? Imaginary
Friends? Few

Your Life? Interesting
Your Mood? Productive
Missing Someone? Yes
Vehicle? None
Something You Aren't Wearing? Socks
Your Favorite Store? Target
Your Favorite Color? Blue
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? Today
Last Time You Cried? Recently
Your Best Friend? Beautiful
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Thoughts
Facebook? Always
Favorite Place To Eat? Chickfila

February 3, 2010

A Day of Dreamy Things

I feel like I accomplished so much today! Work, classes, Barnstormers matters, and being able to relax at the end of the day.

We had a snow storm last night. For the first time in my academic career I actually wanted a snow day, and therefore of course did not get it. :-p However, going outside was totally worth it to enjoy the fresh powdery surroundings and the covered trees. Nathan and I were driving to school and drove up a back road where briefly both sides of the road are completely surrounded by trees. All I could do was smile because the road reminded me of a passage from "Anne of Green Gables" when Anne first comes to Prince Edward Island and sees "The White Way of Delight" - her name for a lane surrounded by cherry tree blossoms. She was in such rapture over nature's beauty, and that's how I felt this morning. Thanks for dragging me out of bed and driving me to school, Nathan! :-*

I had my first voice lesson of the semester this afternoon, and to start off I'm learning "Once Upon A Dream" from Sleeping Beauty. It's so dreamy! :-)

To close, here's a picture of part of my college campus this morning. The Barn Theatre, beloved by me and many others and the site of our next club production, is in the left side of the picture.

February 2, 2010

Start of Spring Semester

SUCH a day yesterday.

New schedule
New classes.
New play.
New events to plan.
New job.

Old friends in the new classes.
Old memories to relive.
Old feelings to deal with.

And news from an old friend that took me very unawares and left me more than a tad upset.

It was a very full day and I ended it by going to bed with a migraine, slightly frustrated, yet happy that there are always things to conquer and adventures to be had.

Better update later. <3