November 28, 2009
Candle time!
Today I did about the same thing I was doing same time last year. Slept in, and then went to the CITY reunion at the Stiegler's house. I'm more invested than ever in the program, but with an entirely difference perspective I had a year ago. Not just about CITY, but about myself and life. Anyway, it was SO good to see the students, and everyone concerned had a lot of fun raking leaves, playing football, roasting marshmallows, and catching up.
Now I am at home, trying to destress from an eventful drive home. If it's possible to destress from things that haven't happened yet, I'm trying to do that too. I'm dreading December. Which seems like an awful thing to say in Debbie Land, but I am.
November 26, 2009
Enjoying A Break!
I'm sorry I didn't post my November bulletin board. Having the same paper background on it for over a year finally started to bug me, and it got cluttered, and it didn't change much from October until a week or so ago. So I promise I will be redecorating and reorganizing to do a post in December that will update you about current events via my tack board!
Theatre is keeping me busy at school. I made myself an honorary member of the academic play crew last week (which the lovely guy mentioned in the previous post was the assistant tech director for) and had a grand time. :) I got to sit backstage for most of the shows and help with fun fun! ;p Next week the Barnstormers' variety show goes up. I'm excited with the content and talent of it, but I am extremely nervous because we have yet to find an accompianist for it!! :( Anyone in the Catonsville/Arbutus Maryland area know a good pianist looking for a job?
I was so relieved for Thanksgiving break to come. My schedule, though not incredibly demanding, was just getting old. I've nervous about my grades, even though none of my classes are particularly hard. I have to write a personal biography for psychology class and really do not want to.
I'm sleepy and need to be doing some research. Good night/good morning who ever reads this!
Happiness, Defined By Debbie
- Kisses
- Children
- Sunny days
- Accomplishment
- The ocean
- Sacrifice
- Grace
- Shoes
Each of these things lightens my heart and brightens my day. Do you have a list of favourite things? Try to imagine what it would be like to feel all of your favourite things at once, and you'll have an idea of how I've been feeling lately.
I have someone in my life who makes me feel like all of my favourite things jumbled up into one. I haven't stopped smiling for days, and I'm excited for every morning that I wake up and talk to him. My day is instantly comfortable and complete when we occupy the same space.
A part of me is always scared to take risk, let people in, or invest in something new. I'm scared of getting hurt, or hurting someone else. But a voice of peace has persisted through every part of getting to know him, and I'm so ready and excited to see where life takes us.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! <3
November 22, 2009
November 2, 2009
-Visiting Maryland Renaissance Festival for the first time
-Sleeping 12 hours on Halloween, but partying the night before :p
-Getting my ears pierced, but with a twist; I got a regular set of holes, and second hole in my right ear to match the hole my BFF has in her left ear.
-Organizing the cabaret show that Barnstormers is putting on
-Hosting a Halloween Murder Mystery coffeehouse at school
-Going on some fun dates :)
-Once again coming to the realization that loneliness is a choice, and so is happiness. More about that later.
-Thus far having a passing average in my math class!
-Taking lots of pictures of pretty changing leaves
-Driving a lot and knowing that my confidence and skills are increasing each time
There are some pictures to go with my hurried catch-up in my newest Facebook album. I hope to be back socializing with my blog world soon!